Monday, May 2, 2011

so now i guess i'm a photographer...

Well, for some reason, people think I am more than qualified to take their pictures because 1) I work at a photography studio and 2) I have a nice camera. This, however, does not guarantee a most excellent photoshoot. But apparently, that's not stopping people from asking me to take their pictures and (despite my own misgivings) it's not stopping me from accepting their money for such services. Which brings us to...the wedding of Keri-Lynn and Jeremiah.

Keri-Lynn is an old childhood friend of mine and we recently reconnected. Long story short, she found out about my job, asked me to take their engagement photos, and then asked me to take their wedding photos. Thankfully, I was acting as a secondary photographer, so it wasn't nearly as scary as it could have been (yikes!). But overall, the experience was good. I obviously am not a great photographer, but I had fun with it and was relatively pleased with the results.

I was extremely glad for the experience, especially since I was asked to another wedding in a few weeks (eep!). We'll see how that one works out!

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