Friday, January 23, 2009

biblically speaking, of course

Last night, I sat before a very small group of 8 - 10 year-olds (count 'em: three kidlets!), finishing up an interesting lesson on trials and how to work through them and see opportunities to serve God in them (a lesson that hit home for me...but that's beside the point right now). I ended the lesson with a short prayer, and then looked at the clock. Dang it, I thought, I still have five minutes left. One of my students helpfully suggested that we do a Bible drill.

"Good idea," I said, "but I forgot my Bible at home."

"Well," Rachel replied, "we all have ours. Just call out the names of random verses."

So I did. The first few went well, and then I called out this little gem: "GENESIS 30:3!" Down came the Bibles, pages flipping furiously, until Rachel shouted, "I have it!" She stood up, and read clearly, "She said, 'Here is my maid Bilhah; go in to her that she may bear on my knees, that through her I too may have children.'"

Three blank stares on three preteen faces, all looking up at me. And before they could ask, "What does that mean?" I quickly shouted, "Proverbs 28:12!"

Mental note: the next time I do a Bible drill, I'll bring my own Bible to check the age-appropriateness of the verse.

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